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  • Writer's pictureMaccabi FC Caulfield

AGM 2024, Sunday 1 Dec @ 7pm

The Maccabi FC Caulfield AGM will be held on Sunday 1 Dec, 7pm at the Caulfield Park Bowls Club in Caulfield North.

If you wish to apply for a position on the Executive Committee and/or on a sub-committee please apply here.

If you are nominating someone then they will have to be in attendance on the night either in person or electronically.

Voting for positions will occur on the night.

Please note that nominations for club positions must be submitted at least 7 days before the AGM to allow the committee to assess them in time for the AGM. 

On the night the annual club awards will be announced and handed out.

Entry is free for all club members.

An agenda for the night will be shared closer to the dates but in the meantime below are the minutes from AGM 2023.

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