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Safety Procedure for Mid – Week Caulfield Park Training


To ensure the safety of all members of the club, both children and adults, we have consulted all team managers and are implementing this safety procedure for all members during training at Caulfield Park.


Every Team must have at least 2 adults in attendance (including the coach) to every training session. This is to be determined by a team roster organised by your

Team Manager.


This ensures that:

  • Players can go to the central toilets supervised

  • Injured or sick players can be attended to while the coach is concentrating on their team

  • Players left behind after training are not left alone with 1 adult only


Coaches are within their rights to cancel training if they do not have another adult attending with them.


Toilet Breaks


The club will station 1 appropriate adult at the central grey brick toilet block (the bunker) to supervise people coming and going but at the same time:


  • Each team must have 1 adult to accompany a player needing a toilet break

  • Or send 2 other players with that 1 player needing a toilet break.


The club appointed adult will sit outside the block and not be inside the block when players need a toilet break, unless they are sweeping out the area or similar.


For any questions about club security call the club.


Thank you for your time; be assured that this has been designed to ensure the safety of your child and our staff.


This is in accordance with the Maccabi Member Protection Policy to which all members have signed and agreed to.


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